Once upon a time there lived a young gnome who would have been content to live out his long, but unmagical life caring for the flora and fauna in his beloved woodland home. But when a dying stranger reveals to him an unspeakable evil that is already within the land’s borders, the gnome is called upon to perform a series of selfless acts to outwit the darkness consuming the fair kingdoms of the earth.
The gnome was instructed to take no one with him on his quest through unknown lands of men and the enchanted realms of the fae, for no one could be trusted the wizard had said. He is nevertheless joined by a sweet fairy, a mysterious pixie, a lost unicorn, and two comical brownies, against his will and his better judgment. As he begs them to not follow along, they only want to do it more.
Can he lure the malevolent force far enough away to spare his family and his home from the relentless evil? Will his little legs carry him fast enough to outrun what pursues him, to the end of the earth, and what he carries? And if the wizard spoke true, which of his new friends will be the one to betray him and his mission?